Biosys Siero Prebiota Decongestionante


Biosys Siero Prebiota Decongestionante

Il siero decongestionante, grazie alla sinergia tra un probiotico derivato da lievito, calendula e cellule staminali di soia, svolge un’azione lenitiva e antietà, ripristinando l’equilibrio della flora batterica cutanea e rivitalizzando la pelle spenta e soggetta ad arrossamenti. 

Agisce su
– Couperose
– Microteleangectasie
– Secchezza cutanea
– Colorito spento

Indicato per
● Pelli sensibili e arrossate
● Pelli sottoposte a trattamenti estetici durante i quali il microbiotacutaneo viene alterato

Azione lenitivo, antiaging, riequilibrante e rivitalizzante

The decongestant serum, thanks to the synergy between a probiotic derived from yeast, calendula and soy stem cells, has a soothing and anti-aging effect, restoring the balance of the skin’s bacterial flora and revitalizing dull skin prone to redness. ⠀
Skin fragility
Dry skin
Dull complexion ⠀
Active Ingredients:
Probiotic extracted from yeast contains peptides, amino acids, nucleic acids and other metabolites, minimizes the activity of Corynebacterium Kroppenstedtii, targets the control of skin redness. ⠀
Calendula enhances the soothing and protective effect, promotes the regeneration of the epidermis and dermis. ⠀
Soy stem cells, rich in phytosterols, perform a toning effect on the epidermis, reducing the formation of wrinkles.

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